Meg Alexander

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Meg Alexander

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Be inspired to be a better you

1 min read

It’s so hard to find moments to dedicate just to you and as a humans you are an expert at making excuses; not enough time, other people need me more, or I simply cant be bothered! Yet you also know that when you dont show yourself a little kindness you get depressed, sick and anxious. So what is there to be done about this? How do you treat yourself?

After 31 days of Month of Me activites with your network on the Rabbit and Julie Goodwin Facebook page, we’re posting all 31 inspirations of July’s Month of Me so if you want to re-live or catch up on any inspirations you’ve missed you can complete these in your own time and do them at your own pace. You get out of it, what you put in! This is your experience. 

Even though July has come to an end, if you can’t get enough of Month of Me, stay tuned in to Rabbit and Julie Goodwin Mondays from 6am. 


You can also download the full list here.