Hayden Else

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Summer is the season for being outdoors, and when you live in a country as beautiful as ours why wouldn’t you want to get out and explore. Road trips have been around since the beginning of cars themselves, the idea of throwing a few clothes in a bag, grabbing a map and heading out sparks a feeling of nostalgia in us all. Picture yourself heading out on a Friday morning and reaching an untouched beach by the afternoon, salt water on your skin and sand between your toes… tempting? If an old-fashioned road trip sounds right up your alley check out some awesome destinations in NSW here . Still seem a bit overwhelming? We’ve got you covered with these few Road Trip tips:


Don’t fall into the trap:

As great as an itinerary is, don’t fall into the trap of being structured that you pass up opportunities for spontaneity. By all means have a rough plan that aligns to your personal preference, however, always allow for flexibility. This way you can take the scenic route if you wish, or stay a little longer in a destination you like, or maybe it simply means stopping for photo opportunities. The great thing about a road trip is that you have your own vehicle, therefore you are on your own time, so take advantage of this. For ultimate spontaneity avoid booking accommodation in advance!


Beat the Rush:

Snacks are a must out on the open road, so make sure you stock up before you depart! Same can be said for medication, ensure you have all your scripts filled and a solid supply of bug spray and sunscreen. Beat the rush and hassle of finding parks and shop locally, Chittaway Shopping Centre is your one-stop spot to stock up on food, medication, bakery good (for that cheeky sweet treat), and of course a bottle shop! After all, what’s a road trip without cracking open a cold beer at the end of the day?


A road trip is never complete without the appropriate music, a good playlist has the ability to turn even the longest drives into an all-around sing-along, or live solo concert for some… we all have that one friend. Check out this ultimate road trip playlist  for some inspiration.


Avoid a sticky situation:

Your new found spontaneity might just find you on an off-road track, whether that be the sandy shores of Fraser Island or in the middle of the countryside. Ensure you and your vehicle are prepared for any road condition, this may mean making a quick visit to a professional first. Safety is paramount so we recommend popping in to Troy at Ol Mate 4×4, he’s a Central Coast local and knows off road driving inside and out. Find some of his tips and recommendations here .

What are you waiting for? Pack the car and head out on your ultimate adventure now! After all, in the words of Tom Cochrane, “Life Is A Highway” so why not ride it! 


By Courtney Clout – Jan 2018

Images: Pixabay