Gina & Matty for Breakfast

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5 islands people are FORBIDDEN to visit

3 min read

Don’t put these on your travel bucket list.


The Snakes Island

We’re not a big fan of snakes, so just looking at that name made us shiver. The name pretty much describes it too – it’s an island full of snakes. The island is part of Brazil, and houses some of the most dangerous cobras in the world. The land mass is 400,000 square metres, and reports state that there is an average of one snake per square metre. So that’s 400,000 snakes. 400,000 SNAKES. Why is no one else freaking out? Plus, just to make this island scarier, the snakes on this island have evolved venom that increases the likelihood of death in whatever they bite. NO THANKS!


Wild Island

Turns out that it’s not just snakes we have to worry about – it’s people. Located in the Indian Ocean, the Indian government shut down this island after numerous reports of the dangerous native population. The 500 people who live on the island have completely rejected modern civilisation, and will protect their land with their life. There have been plenty of stories about tourists disappearing after exploring the island – never to be seen again.


Anthrax Island

Located 1km from Scotland, Anthrax Island’s name is pretty self-explanatory. The island actual name is Gruinard Island, and was used as a site for biological weapons testing back in WW2. As it turns out, the government hid the details of experiments from not only the public but the owner of the island, and failed to come through on promises to remove the traces of the bioweapon Anthrax for many years. The government declared quarantine, and while said quarantine has since been lifted, no one dares to venture onto the island.


The Island of the Dead

Poveglia island, otherwise known as the Island of the Dead, was used as a plague colony for Europe – specifically Italy – back in the 14th century. Many years later in the 1920’s, the island was turned into a mental hospital where the head doctor tortured his patients. Due to the grim history and reports of ghosts, the island is now restricted. To be honest, we wouldn’t need a government restriction to stop us going to this island. The whole ghost thing makes us strike this off our vacation list pretty quick.


Plum Island

The story of Plum Island is a mysterious one involving homeland security, disease testing, and… farm animals? Yep, you read that right. The official story is that the island is used as a testing site to study diseases that affect farm animals. That doesn’t seem too farfetched, right? Well as it turns out, the island is operated by Homeland Security who don’t have any investments in animal welfare. Interesting…


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This article is based off a Youtube video created by Top 5s Finest

Words by Kate Stevens

Images via Youtube