Hayden Else

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Coca-Cola is releasing its first-ever alcoholic drink

1 min read

Will you be trying it?

Just when we thought Coca-Cola had exhausted all possibilities of new flavours or drinks, they announced that Coca-Cola will be adding an alcoholic drink to their collection.

Coca-Cola is modelling their new creation of the Japanese beverage Chu-Hi, which is a fruity fizzy drink with a small amount of shochu alcohol.

Due to its Japanese inspiration, Japan will be the first country to launch the drink. Jorge Garduño, Coca-Cola’s Japan president, confirmed the news, saying,

“We haven’t experimented in the low-alcohol category before, but it’s an example of how we continue to explore opportunities outside our core areas.”

It looks like Japan is the only country to get the drink at this stage.

Hopefully, there’s a bargain on flights.


Words by Kate Stevens

Images via Pixabay