Hayden Else

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Home & Away star opens up about her incredible body transformation

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Home & Away star opens up about her incredible body transformation

The star credits her transformation to less work, more yoga

Being an actor always seems so glamorous: more red carpets and makeup robes than slogging it. But then, social media has a funny way of making a lot of things look good. And if you reach the level of aussie darling Bonnie Sveen, then you’re pretty much guaranteed to have put in the hard yards climbing that industry ladder.


While working on Home & Away, the actor reveals she was working 12-hour days and managing on less than five hours sleep. If that was me, my screen persona would’ve looked something like this:



And that’s after several hours of makeup.

Instead, Sveen managed to look like this:



Now, obviously, looks aren’t everything, and it’s more important to note that her acting was – and continues to be – fire. But still, that’s some impressive stuff right there.

Since going “freelance” last year – and getting more free time as a result – Sveen has revealed that she’s not only happier with her body, but that she’s also in a better place mentally.

“It gave me more freedom to do the things I love with more regularity, like yoga and hiking. And heading back [home] to Tassie,” she told WHO.

While Sveen said that getting more sleep has lessened the frequency of those 3pm sugar cravings (the devil we all know), she also partially credits yoga for her mental and physical transformation. The actor has revealed she’s also started eating (“loosely”) for her blood type.



Image: Bonnie Sveen in 2015 (Instagram) and 2016 (Getty)

Despite all of these post-show lifestyle changes, however, the drop from a size 12 to a size 8-10 wasn’t deliberate. Sveen herself says she was taken aback by it.

“[Watching The Secret Daughter] was the first time I noticed how much my body had changed,” she said.

While the entertainment industry is notorious for placing pressure on women in particular to be slim, Sveen has managed to retain that down-to-earth streak we know and love. Rather than focus on size, she’s happiest of all with the psychological benefits these past few months have delivered.

“As our lives change, so do our bodies,” she said.

“It’s a woman’s job to love and care for her body, no matter how it appears or is perceived by others.”

Those there be some words to live by.