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This is how many cups of coffee you should be having a day

2 min read

It’s more than you think. 

Feeling bad about that third cup of coffee you just brewed for the day? Don’t! In fact, you can totally keep going

Harvard University researcher, Vasanti Malik, recently did a Reddit Ask Me Anything where one user asked him about his thoughts on coffee as he had heard people say, “It affects the lining of your stomach and its ability to consume nutrients.”

Vasanti answered:

“Coffee, provided that it is minimally sweetened with sugar and not loaded with whipped cream can definitely be part of a healthy diet. Coffee whether it’s caffeinated or decaf contains a number of healthful vitamins and nutrients and findings from our studies have shown associations with reduced risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality. Benefits are [seen] up to about 5 cups per day, after that there does not appear to be any additional benefit.”

So basically if you’re into coffee with a splash of milk, you’re in luck. 

Not only that, but drinking coffee before your workout has been found to improve physical performance and it’s also good for your skin.

BRB time for coffee number three… and four and five.


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Written by Marni Dixit 

Image: Warner Bros