Gina & Matty for Breakfast

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The long-term effects of the plastic bag ban beginning to show

1 min read

The ban has been in place since July. 

Look, the plastic bag ban was probably one of the most controversial moves in Australian history.

No ball tampering scandal, leadership spill or Christmas light ban could ever compare to the outrage that came with the plastic bag ban.

Not only did the move result in a massive online back lash, but also supermarket boycotts and customers stealing bags in protest.

However, six months later, most of Australia has settled into bringing their own bags or begrudgingly paying 15c when they forget them.

And according to the National Retail Association, the ban has resulted in some amazing environmental changes.

Since removing the bags in July, Coles and Woolworths have prevented an estimated 1.5 billion bags from entering the environment, and Australia has seen an 80% drop in the consumption of plastic bags nationwide.

Currently, NSW is the only state/territory where the retailers have banned the bags, with bans in all other states being imposed by the government.

Retailers who have imposed the ban include Woolworths, Coles and Big W. Target and Kmart have committed to remove plastic bags from their stores by 2019.


SEE ALSO: The Christmas light laws you need to know

SEE ALSO: Heatwaves predicted in NSW this summer 


Written by Kate Stevens

Images: Getty