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Unlimited annual leave could be coming to your workplace

2 min read

But does it work? 

Unlimited leave sounds too good to be true, right? No limit on how many days off you can take, and no ramifications if you go over your allocated four weeks per year.

Well, this structure is becoming increasingly popular – and it’s got nothing but good results. Massive corporations like Netflix, Virgin, LinkedIn, and eHarmony have all introduced this leave policy as a way of boosting staff morale, reducing burnout, and attracting new talent.

And, we know what you’re thinking – wouldn’t everyone just not show up to work? Spend their days stretched out on a beach in Thailand with a cocktail?

Well, according to Dr Amantha Imber, the director of management company Inventium, that’s not the case.

She introduced the policy two years ago, and has said that nobody in her company has taken advantage of the new rule. She told that her staff often only takes an extra one and a half weeks per year, and average number of sick days halved.

According to Dr Imber, many companies base their leave around the 38 hour work week, however many white collar workers are working significantly more hours but this isn’t reflected in their leave policy.

Do you think that this would ever be introduced in your workplace?


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Words by Kate Stevens

Images: Unsplash