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Vets warn owners about risk of salt lamps

2 min read

Here’s what you need to know.

As has reported, a Facebook post concerning the safety of household pets has gone viral over the weekend. 

Rose Avenue Vet Hospital shared an update to social media late last week regarding the experience of one of their patrons who had to rush a cat in for medical care after she licked a salt lamp. 

In the post, the owner of the cat, Maddie Smith, warns of the dangers of these popular household items for pets. 

Smith recounts how after licking the lamp her cat, Ruby, quickly deteriorated:

“Her basic senses and abilities GONE in 12 hours. She was so helpless,” she wrote. 

“…she had extremely high sodium levels in her blood. So this severe salt poisoning had caused her brain to swell, and ultimately the neurological problems that followed. 

“The salt poisoning was caused by just your normal salt lamp that we had in our lounge, Ruby has ingested the salt by simply licking the lamp (we didn’t realise obviously).”

The situation became so grave that Ruby very nearly didn’t live through the case of poisoning. Smith went on to share that both dogs and cats are drawn to the salty flavour of these lamps so it is imperative that they’re kept out of reach.

“Salt poisoning is EXTREMELY deadly to animals and she [Ruby] is basically a miracle to still be here now,” she shared.  

“Hopefully sharing this might help educate others on just how deadly these lamps can be if the salt is ingested. I know mines not staying in our house that’s for sure.”


SEE ALSO: Government crackdown on selling pets online and in newspapers 


Image: Facebook

Written by Stephanie Nuzzo